22. June 2021

Innovation Kinderkrebszentrum Mainz

Die Barbarossa Kinderfonds Stiftung und Lichtblick 2000 e.V. spenden der Kinderkrebshilfe Mainz e.V. gemeinsam 3500 €. Diese dienen der Neugestaltung des Kinderonkologischen Zentrums der Universitätsmedizin in Mainz.

2. February 2021

Soccer project “AWO Kinder- und Jugendtreff Mainz/HartenbergR...

The soccer project strengthens the children’s sense of community. They have a meaningful activity, and it contributes to their health. The Barbarossa children foundation donates 1600€.

2. February 2021

Sports project for “Kinderkrebshilfe Mainz e.V.” (children...

At the hospital “Uniklinikum” in Mainz a room with exercise equipment was needed for the young cancer patients. The possibility to exercise is very important for the children’s health and motivation. The Barbarossa children foundation donated 2500€.

2. February 2021

Support of „Lauter kleine Kaiser“

The Barbarossa children foundation donated 2500€ to the foundation “Lauter kleine Kaiser“. The foundation is whole-heartedly dedicated to follow-up care for preemies in the hospital “Westpfalzklinikum” in Kaiserslautern.

2. February 2021

Youth work through cheerleading

The foundation “LSG – Die Chaote – e.V.” does valuable youth work through cheerleading. The foundation supports several voluntary good causes. The Barbarossa children foundation donates 1200€ to LSG.

2. February 2021

Canoe for “Paddlergilde Kaiserslautern”

The Barbarossa children foundation financed a canoe for the “Paddlergilde Kaiserslautern” with 1200€.